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- #ifndef GADGETS_DRAG_H
- /*
- ** $VER: drag.h 0.11 (17.6.1997)
- **
- ** Definitions for BOOPSI drag gadget objects
- **
- ** (c) Copyright 1996/97 Joerg Kollmann
- ** All Rights Reserved
- **
- */
- #ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #endif
- #include <exec/libraries.h>
- #endif
- #include <intuition/classes.h>
- #endif
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #endif
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef IFF_IFFPARSE_H
- #include <libraries/iffparse.h>
- #endif
- /*********************************************************************/
- struct DragInfo
- {
- WORD type; /* DGT_xxx */
- Object *object; /* target object */
- struct {
- WORD X; /* rel. to RastPort of gadget */
- } mouse;
- struct {
- WORD X; /* mouse offset rel.to gadget */
- } offset;
- UWORD id; /* gadget->GadgetID of dropped gadget */
- APTR userdata; /* gadget->UserData of dropped gadget */
- struct DragInfo *next; /* DragInfo of next selected (dropped) gadget.
- not implemented */
- };
- /* type of DragInfo object */
- #define DGT_NoObject 0
- #define DGT_Gadget 1
- #define DGT_Window 2
- struct DropMessage {
- struct Message dm_Message;
- UWORD dm_Type;
- ULONG dm_UserData;
- ULONG dm_ID;
- struct DragInfo *dm_DragInfo;
- };
- /* type of drop message */
- #define DMTYPE_OWN 0
- /*********************************************************************/
- #define DGA_Dummy (TAG_USER+0x05000000)
- #define DGA_ExtSelect (DGA_Dummy+1) /* BOOL, default FALSE, Applicability: (I)
- * with this attribute set to TRUE, the gadget image stays selected
- * after dropping. To deselect it set (GA_Selected,FALSE) */
- #define DGA_Context (DGA_Dummy+2) /* Context of object, Applicability: (I).
- * result of CreateDContext(screen). Replaces DGA_Screen. */
- #define DGA_Screen (DGA_Dummy+3) /* Screen/Window of drag object, mutually */
- #define DGA_Window (DGA_Dummy+4) /* exclusive. Applicability: (I)
- * DGA_Screen should be replaced by DGA_Context. It may only be
- * used with non-public screens. */
- #define DGA_DragInfo (DGA_Dummy+5) /* (struct DragInfo*), Applicability: (G)
- * gadget->SpecialInfo also points to this struct. */
- #define DGA_Frame (DGA_Dummy+6) /* Object (Image), Applicability: (I) */
- /* not implemented */
- #define DGA_DragImage (DGA_Dummy+7) /* Image for Bob, Applicability: (IS) */
- #define DGA_DragAnim (DGA_Dummy+8) /* NULL-terminated array of Image*
- not implemented */
- #define DGA_NodropImage (DGA_Dummy+9) /* not implemented */
- #define DGA_DragGroup (DGA_Dummy+10) /* DragGroup, Applicability: (IS)
- * makes this gadget part of a group. NULL removes it from the group.
- * If the group gadgets are DGA_ExtSelect, they deselect each other,
- * or if selected with SHIFT pressed, can be dragged as a group.
- * not implemented */
- #define DGA_DropActHook (DGA_Dummy+11) /* (struct Hook*), Applicability: (I)
- * if a drag gadget is dropped an this gadget, the hook is called with
- * Object=this Gadget and Message=DragInfo of the dropped gadget */
- /*********************************************************************/
- #define OM_DROPACTION MAKE_ID('O','M','D','A')
- struct opDropAction
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *opda_GInfo;
- struct DragInfo *opda_DragInfo;
- };
- #endif /* GADGETS_DRAG_H */